I started mathtutor-ib.com with a simple goal: help students to achieve their academic aspirations, fill their mathematical gaps, preparing them to succeed in the IB exam through personalized online tutoring.
Student life is undoubtedly challenging, but for IB students, it can be overwhelming.
Balancing academic challenges with personal development, all while managing the demands of TOK, CAS, the extended essay, university applications, and various other commitments, can indeed result in significant stress.
This is why I am here, to guide the students! With a lot of experience in math and years working with the IB curriculum, I know what it takes to succeed in the IB Math Course. I'm well-equipped to support and lead students through this journey. Either assisting with math problems and doubts or exploring new subjects and approaches.
Everyone is unique, from their learning styles to their aspirations, and even their preferences. That's why I tailor my teaching approach to each students. By customizing the study method to each student's distinct characteristics, I facilitate faster and more effective learning experiences for them.